I see my mind as a tapestry woven through with memories, dreams and thoughts.

Friday, 24 February 2012

Violet Jelly Trilogy

This post is to announce that the first two books in the 'Violet Jelly Trilogy' are now available on amazon in kindle version.

They cost $1.17, 77p, and €0,89

Although I prefer an actual book, I see this as a way in which my books are affordable. They can be bought for use in a library or for use in a classroom, without each child having to purchase the book. I like this idea.

When I have done library talks and work shops, generally, the children do not have the money to purchase the paperback version as often they are using the library because they do not have the resources to buy from a book shop. I really wanted to give away books to each of the children, but this was not practical (they had cost quite a bit for me to buy in and I did not have sufficient copies).

My desire is that these books are read and enjoyed. They are fun, can be read on different levels ... and even enjoyed by adults. The target age is 8-10 years.

The illustrated paperback version (which could be bought as a treat) costs $15.95 and is available only on amazon.com.

The unillustrated paperback version is availble from between $5-$7, around €5 and 5 pounds sterling.

I am not promoting myself as a fantastic writer, but my books as something to read that is slightly different. If you know of anyone in the right age range, please tell them to look on amazon.com (where there is a 'look inside' feature)and direct them to my web site:
where they can see some of the characters and read the reviews.

Also, there are free downloads on the web site; one is a book for children of 3-5 years old called 'Atchoo!' and is about a giant with a cold; another is a way in which to learn number bonds from 1-20, and there are bookmarks and a calendar to download and print onto card, or thick paper.

The third book 'Discovering Jasmine T' will be finished and available next year and paperback versions of 'Violet and Lavender' will be on amazon soon.

Thank you for reading!


K said...

Some very exciting news! I will spread the word about your trilogy.

Melissa Sarno said...

Super cool. I'm going to check these out.

Deborah Lawrenson said...

Congratulations, Ann! I too will spread the word. I don't have a e-reader but this is yet another reason to get one.

Jane Doe said...

There's absolutely nothing wrong with promoting your talents and work! My grandson is 8 and always searching for a new book to read. Amazon...here I come.

Have a wonderful day, aguja.

aguja said...

Oh! I am so thrilled by your reactions. I do so want the books to be read and to get feedback. Thank you for your encouragement!
Have a wonderful weekend!

Elisabeth said...

Thanks Aguja. As you say you're not an underage writer, but write for the so-called underaged, who despite their foibles, to my way of thinking, are often much wiser than we. I shall check these out.

aguja said...

Agree about the 'underaged'- well phrased!
Yes, check them out. It is fun just to look and to see the characters, even if cyberspace is not your thing. Really, it is just an adventure which happens to take place there.
Thank you for taking time to visit!

Olga said...

Congratulations on the books! It must be a thrilling feeling; something like an artist at a gallery opening.

aguja said...

Yep! I guess so .... and you should know. As one wants paintings and sculptures to be viewed, so one wants a book to be read. This is tantamount and not the commercial aspect.

Thank you for visiting and commenting, Olga.

aguja said...

Yep! I guess so .... and you should know. As one wants paintings and sculptures to be viewed, so one wants a book to be read. This is tantamount and not the commercial aspect.

Thank you for visiting and commenting, Olga.