I see my mind as a tapestry woven through with memories, dreams and thoughts.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Impression of a Dilemma

This is the cover for my latest book 'Impression of a Dilemma.

I will leave you with  three extracts, as I head off on holiday ... and hope to return with many photographs!


'If I could - just ... squeeze ... through this crack.'
'Why? I would be free. Of what?'
I am slumped against the wall, white and grainy. The crack
is sealing. 'Is it? Or is it that I have let go of pursuing that
outcome?' Here, I remain. Oblivion has eluded me.
I sleep where I sit. In sleep, I dream. 'Or is it inward
thinking - dredging the subconscious and aligning it with
recent events and thoughts?' The recent, having passed, is
not present but close enough so as not to be in the past. On
the edge, about to tip into the category of past; maybe a
limbo - if limbo exists.


Aladdin paused, rag in hand, in his buffing of the
gentleman's shoes, acknowledged Andrew as he left the
hotel on his lunch break. Cheerily, he returned to the task.
'Beautiful shoes,' he noted with satisfaction. 'A shoe worth
having. A shoe worth taking care of.'
He began to whistle. The customer glared. Aladdin beamed
an apology. The man relaxed; regarded his shoes and a
faint smile crossed his face.
'Treat them with care and they'll come back.'
His father had been a cobbler until his untimely death,
leaving debt on the business, meaning that it could not pass
on to Aladdin. His mother had to sell to clear the debt and
now they lived, the two of them, in the flat above that had
always been his home. Below them, now, a 'Take Away


Tonight had gone well and the audience were appreciative.
Andrew and Aladdin had turned up, she noticed. You never
knew with Andrew. He was similar to a creature that is
almost tame, but takes off at the slightest change in
circumstances. 'Nice though. Not a threat. Sometimes
almost invisible.' He and Aladdin often turned up - but
Andrew never came alone. Aladdin was a sweetie. And his
photographs - 'Wow!'

The wall clock showed 1am. Tina stretched, checked the
doors and windows, left on the hall light and carried the sax
upstairs with her. Its home was in the other bedroom. She
lived alone, now that her Dad had died, and preferred to
practise there. It was his sax. Precious. A treasured
inheritance. But it had been a therapeutic influence
following the night that had been her worst experience. She
opened the case; the saxophone would dry out completely
by morning.

Make-up removed, she curled up in cosy pyjamas, beneath
the duvet, and slept.


These extracts introduce the three main characters, whose reactions to an incident which happens create, for them, a dilemma.
I have enjoyed catching upon the posts of those I follow. Blogging is such an interesting opportunity to peek into the diversity that is the lives and thoughts of others ... and to share one's own thoughts and life.

1 comment:

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