I am repeating a part of my last post as I feel that it became lost in the photographs of Ireland. When I look back, it seems an intrusion rather than an addition to the post.
name is Spindel – or it could be Sentinel.
one time, I experienced radius; double radius. It sliced and as it
sliced, I parted; two personae out of one – to become one later, in
a different place.
was here and I was there at the same time; in both places at once
…........ and it began to happen. It: I cannot tell what 'it' is –
not yet – perhaps further on – maybe not at all.
the great scheme of things' is often said. I suppose that is where I
am, but not in an exact space; not in an exact time.
above and around, from my far flung position, I hesitate. I see
created, glass palaces breaking in upon the midnight sky. Drifting in
through its vicinity, I cast my gaze upon the stars, a galaxy beyond,
and back towards this strange city of glass; reflections of itself; a
puzzle – what is actual and what a mirage: one palace reflected, or
many palaces.
pause; float towards the city, to discover what purpose it serves
other than a sheer study in reflection.
feet glide noiselessly over the surface of the streets; the silence
intense. Resting, I note the intensity of silence, the significance
of a pause – a space in time devoid of sound. I collect the memory;
store it. In this time, in this space, I have no prediction of the
future of this memory.
within this city am I, Spindel, multifaceted; each reflection as
transient as myself. I am repeated as are bars of music; a chorus. Am
I the music or the composer. Am I one and the same. I reflect upon
this as I am reflected, thin as ice, in this glass.
Spindel, am a composer. I am searching for a symphony. In my mind it
is a precious thing, perfect, unique. But it is not yet formed and so
is an embryo, a nucleus, a speck.
journey is as a discoverer, both as Spindel and 'mind of Spindel';
sometime Sentinel, although not now, not in this instance of resting.
a younger, smaller being I could feel the rhythm of my environment.
It made me call out in delight with its tiny, hardly discernible
nuances, doubling, tripling upon itself. It lulled me to sleep and
lent me a sense of security. I rode its rhythm each day, becoming
disturbed if the rhythm was interrupted, lost itself …. and
reassured as it returned to the beat that is its essence.
rode the rhythm, tussled with it, pushed against it; some let it
carry them through. I, Spindel, lived the rhythm, absorbed its
perfection, discarded its imperfections. And so I made my way,
discovered a path to follow, revelling at each twist, turn,
emboldened as I skated long, smooth straights. As I travelled I
developed, honing my senses, strengthening my being.
sustenance, I sought fragrance of taste, sweet on the lips; texture
that pleased, rolling softly or riding roughly over the tongue; this
from flora along the way.
soaked in the warmth of each day, to its noon zenith and beyond, was
soothed by the cool balm of evening. There are two parts to every
day; one day with two contrasting parts. Each day similar in pattern
…. until the path arrived at a divide as I passed round the curve
of a bend.
rhythm paused. My heart a solitary beat with no sound.
curled at the junction, as a foetus, on the ground, solid, a ball;
metamorphosing to a steel thin disc, glinting, hovering just a small
space up from the ground, settling to lie in disc form on the path.
sudden appearance of an insistent radial arm, with a hand tense in
the act of gripping a blade poised to slice, transfixed me. And slice
it did, pinning my discoid self dead centre, slicing once from centre
to circumference; my radius. The arm returned the blade to its
pivotal position to slice an opposite radius; a cut direct and sure
to complete my dissection, forming two parts. I, parted from myself,
now two selves – geminal.
that day, at that moment, I became two personae. I am Spindel,
Sentinel my alter image. My form evolved diaphanous, film-like; light
shimmered as it caught my skin. Sentinel emerged pushing, as does a
chestnut bud about to sprout a magnificent leaf, strong, flexible,
opaque; durable, sensitive, at one with the natural world and with an
inner beauty of his own.
so we were, neither acknowledging the presence of the other, but in
the knowledge of being two personae; two beings before two paths.
blade wielding arm had disappeared; no glint, no swish, no grinding
lay both at our feet and in our minds. We remained motionless. And
then came the call; I heard it from the left branch of the path. My
mind and ears strained. My feet danced – a skip, a leap; I followed
the call.
with the motion of time, I progressed not in leaps and bounds as my
feet desired but in soft pulses, light streaming, deflecting my
vision. The only way forward was to abandon myself to the pulse,
allow myself to be carried through the stream of light against which
the pulse, with its call, led. That call came to me as soft
brush-strokes of movement gently beating a surface, creating rhythm,
enticing me onwards. I became distant to myself, as a watching figure
disappearing from view.
A great snippet of your new book! I hope this does well.
Hello Ann! This reads -to me - like a prose poem. Some lovely images. If I could make one suggestion (as one professional to another, so please take this as it is intended) it would be to pare down a little. "Moving with time" rather than "with the motion of time", for example.
Love the lyrical writing you have here.
Thanks a million, both Deborah and Paulita. I have noted your suggestion, Deborah and I do want it to be as pared as possible. I really value the feedback.
The photos are unique and so is your lovely prose description. Very nicely presented. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you, too, Martha, for viewing and for commenting.
A great snippet of your new book! I hope this does well.
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