And then I saw that, from a few bulbs/corms of freesia, given by a neighbour several years ago, have sprung myriad freesias, in different colours, hiding all over our mountainside garden.
This one, amongst the wild verdant, post winter, growth is the colour of those in my wedding bouquet.
The beauty, the fragrance and the peace of a day standing still.
'Stiller - than the fields
At the full Dew -
Beautiful - as pictures -
No Man drew'
Emily Dickinson
ahhhhh emma . . . nails a tender sweet piece so well!!! lucky you to have such beautiful flowers agula. steven
Thank you! They are springing up like surprises, in the most unusual places ... and the scent is delicious.
Lovely photo and sentiments. Congrats on coming granddaughter.
Thank you so much for your marital advice on our blog! Your words of wisdom are helpful, especially since they come from someone whose union has endured for four decades! (Kudos!)
Love to see these signs of spring and rebirth -- while you wait for the "special delivery".
Paulita and Style ... thank you for your comments. Style - glad to have been able to give you encouragement! Paulita, April 15th is the date!
Granddaughter! How amazing that must be. Congratulations:) Have a lovely Monday!
Thank you, Kristen! We have a grandson who is eight, so a grandaughter will just add to that in a special way.
Am having a peaceful Monday.
I didn't know you lived in Ireland! I love that you're going back. I absolutely need to go one day.
As do I Dancing Branflake. Maybe we shall happen to be there at the same time ... one day!
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