I see my mind as a tapestry woven through with memories, dreams and thoughts.

Friday, 30 March 2012

The Tyger

The Tyger

Tyger, tyger burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?

from The Tyger by William Blake

These animals are rescued and now live a life as close to normal as possible in the fantastic grounds of this sanctuary in Florida. Many have been bought as pets when they were cubs, others have been taken in from circuses. Here, one has to be quiet and treat them with dignity by giving them space.

They are awesome and I was privileged to be able to photograph this tiger.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Friday, 23 March 2012

Feeling Good, Friday

An update on the Talk Radio Europe interview, yesterday:

How did I feel; fine.
When the questions began it felt a little like a French Oral Examination, until I settled into it.

Now, my thanks go to you for your support and encouragement, which gave me the inner strength that I needed.

Also, to say that my amazing web master has downloaded my ten minutes 'on air' to my web site. If you would like to listen, you can find it in 'News and Events' (right hand column). Just click and listen.

I shall repair to my writing hideaway in the garden to concentrate on completing the trilogy.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Think of me Thursday

This is the day of my interview on Talk Radio Europe; I would appreciate your thoughts, so that I do not head into panic mode!!

Will let you know my afterthoughts.

www.talkradioeurope.com 3.45pm (Spain)

www.annsharples.com - don't forget the kindle vouchers to win.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Words for Wednesday

Words come at odd moments and often, when something seems incomprehensible to me, they come in the form of poetry. These are my words as I see incomprehensible acts serving no valuable purpose whatsoever and wonder how a mind can be so programmed or programme itself to perform such atrocities:


Let him make
but one mistake
and his feet will
fall from under him.

A cruel hand
dealt to one
or many, sourced
by evil thought
and malintention.

A coward's voice
demands a coward's
No hero, nor
marytr's badge
awarded here

Only grief
and sorrow of
for the innocent

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Sunday Thoughts

Just thinking. Thinking about spring; renewal and birth. Thinking about our imminent grandaughter.

And then I saw that, from a few bulbs/corms of freesia, given by a neighbour several years ago, have sprung myriad freesias, in different colours, hiding all over our mountainside garden.

This one, amongst the wild verdant, post winter, growth is the colour of those in my wedding bouquet.

The beauty, the fragrance and the peace of a day standing still.

'Stiller - than the fields
At the full Dew -
Beautiful - as pictures -
No Man drew'

Emily Dickinson

Saturday, 10 March 2012

STOP PRESS: Saturday and Sunday!

Today's post is personal, in that I am sharing good news with you.

Here it is:

On Thursday 22nd March (at 3.45pm Spanish time: 2.45pm British time)I am to be interviewed live on radio, to talk about my writing and my books.

This is a BIG opportunity for me.

The show is the 'Hannah Murray Book Show' on Talk Radio Europe.
On my web site - www.annsharples.com - are links so that you can listen in wherever you live via the Internet.

Soooo .... who is going to get up early or stay up late???

If you do choose to listen in - thank you!

Important addition:
On my web site there is a competition to enter to win one of ten vouchers with which to download a Kindle version of 'Violet Jelly'. See web site link to the right .

Friday, 9 March 2012

Sky and Tree Watch Friday

'There is a music in the trees that lilts the air ...'

'Trees yearning for spring, stretch to the sky for inspiration and in hope'

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Sunday Snippet

My Sunday Snippet is a thought for you to picture ......

'Positive thinking .... is like a jar, with a screw top, full of good things.'

Friday, 2 March 2012

Friday Blog Hop - My reading (and writing) hideaway

This is my haven, my place for inspiration and relaxation.It looks over to distant mountains and sky ... as far as the imagination takes me as I indulge in the pleasure of reading a good book.

This blog hop is hosted by Parajunkee and by Alison Can Read.

To take part, you post an answer to this question:
Where do you most like to read? Describe your spot or post a picture.