I see my mind as a tapestry woven through with memories, dreams and thoughts.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Wednesday with Words

I am off soon to meet up with my sister, in Tampa. We hope to swim again with manatees, which is one of the most glorious experiences of my life ... pushing through the tangled roots into the lagoon and watching, being still and watching, as the manatees and their babies slowly rise to the surface for air and then waken to make their way out of the lagoon, through the narrow channel on their daily forage; picture rush hour on the metro escalators and you have it!

If and when I surface, I shall be back in blogland.

¡Hasta luego!


Elisabeth said...

What a wonderful experience, Aguja. Please report back and let us know about this splendid time.

aguja said...

Will do! Thank you for commenting!

K said...

What a fantastic opportunity! Have a great time!

Jane Doe said...

Have a wonderful trip to Tampa and I do hope you swim with the manatees. They're magical creatures for sure.

aguja said...

Wev will for sure .. and there are a lot there this year. We swam with them two years ogo and it was indeed magical ... and they feature in the final book in the Violet Jelly trilogy that I am now two thirds of the way through, having just completed the second book; illustraions 'an all'.

Thank you both for your comments! Will be back in blogland,soon.

That Chelsea Girl™ said...

Oh, I hope you had a wonderful time with the manatees!

tinajo said...

That sounds amazing! :-)

Kristin H said...

Wow! What a dream!! How lucky you are!

aguja said...

Yes, it was a dream .... and I shall keep you posted anon. I am back and the jet lag is not too bad, so I shall be posting soon.