I see my mind as a tapestry woven through with memories, dreams and thoughts.

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Sunday Snippet

I wish you all the best of years ahead. I shall continue to follow you and send a big Thank You to my followers; so encouraging to have you there.

This quote from 'Behind the Scenes at the Museum' by Kate Atkinson will see me into the year ahead .......

'In the end, it is my belief, words are the only things that can construct a world that makes sense.'

.... what do you think?

Added just for fun!


K said...

I love it! A great snippet to begin 2012! Happy new year to you.

Barbara von Enger said...

Happy new year. Wonderful reading your blog throughout 2011. Look forward to your posts of 2012.

Dulçe ♥ said...

Yes, madam. I completely agree words are a escape to madness. Great snippet, Aguja.
Happy New Year for you too, my dearest!

Jane Doe said...

I'm nodding my head in agreement. Happy New Year!

Melissa Sarno said...

Perfect quote. Happy new year my friend. :)

aguja said...

Brilliant! I am so glad that we all agree on this one and may words take us forward throughtout the year.
You are so supportive and I really appreciate this.
Thank you.

L'Adelaide said...

wonderful thought, my friend and thank you for being there this past year...i look forward to knowing you better and better. and i would say art but that's my thing. :)

aguja said...

¡igualmente Linda ... and I have not forgotten about the letter that I shall send!

My Castle in Spain said...

Love that quote! Happy New Year to you Ann and lots of joy and love for 2012...And yes, it would be fabulous to hear your band! :-)

That Chelsea Girl™ said...

I love anagrams! Hope you have a wonderful new year, as well!

aguja said...

Thank you Chelsea Girl and ... one day, Lala!