I see my mind as a tapestry woven through with memories, dreams and thoughts.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012


I have been thinking about what draws me to read a novel more than once and have realised that, for me, it is the words and how the author has woven those words into language that takes me with it.

The style of writing may be completely different and the stories yawning chasms apart; the words can move rapidly, linger, be fun, capture me in a description, cause sadness, anger, move me to reflection or empathy.

Words so elusive that they escape boxes to take their own journey until those authors with the ability to create  individual, perhaps unique, patterns, by tempting and arranging such words (be they simple or complex); it is their books to which I return.

¿ Your thoughts?

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Beautiful Blogger

I have been awarded this by Deborah Lawrenson, to whom I owe much for her uplifting and interesting posts. Thank you Deborah! 

I understand that the rules are such:

 1) To thank the giver
 2) To divulge seven hitherto undisclosed facts about myself

A bit geekish! I love to peruse dictionaries and grammar books, which I have done since I was a child, choosing a grammar book above a toy on one occasion.

I used to write plays and round up unsuspecting peers in the school playground to play the characters. Unfortunately, they did not share my passion and dropped out after the first couple of rehearsals ... besides, I became quite cross as they had not learned their lines!

I used to keep goats and had to become their leader - necessary to control them as they follow the leader.

I used to design clothes and take myself off in them to stores in the hope that a buyer would rave over them.

I swam naked in the sea one day, on impulse, when it was quite cold. Unfortunately, a couple appeared from nowhere, on the beach which had been deserted and began to congratulate me on braving the cold water. I was horrified and freezing but could not come out until they had moved on, so I smiled and grinned and hoped and hoped that they would go; it seemed like forever!

I hid in a cupboard at school for a whole lesson, as a dare. Funny that my reports always said 'quiet conscientious worker'!

When I am inspired to achieve something, I am both patient and determined and will see whatever it is through to its conclusion, no matter what. This particularly goes for the 'Violet Jelly Trilogy' that I am writing at the moment (only half a book more to go).

I enjoyed doing this ... and now to the third rule ... I must nominate seven bloggers to receive this award and let them know on their blog.

Thank you again, Deborah for thinking of me.

Spangle -Oliva Reader
Melissa - This Too
Diane - Bibliophile by the Sea
Olga - Artful Nuance
Elizabeth - About New York
Dulce - Sweeter Poetry
Gina - Pagan Sphinx

I wish that I could include more. I have chosen a balance of art, Photography, Poetry and Books. So, these people must decide whether or not to accept the Beautiful Blogger Award that I am sending to them.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Day of the Workers

Last night, we arrived home late from a music session to come upon the townspeople working through the night to produce these intricate May Day crosses which appear for this one day, unexpectedly, on street corners and in squares around the old town.