'The road out of the city web site is quite smooth - like rolled out pastry. There are funny shaped hills in the background and fluffy pink clouds in the sky. The fields are very green.
“I like this,” says Pansy Soup.
Larry’s Lorry is leaving tyre tracks on the road.
“Just like pastry crust,” thinks Violet Jelly. She sniffs the air. “I smell food,” she says and opens a gate at the side of the road.
“There’s no fence belonging to the gate,” remarks Pansy Soup.
“Well I never!” says Larry. “A gate without a fence.”
They all go through the gate, because it is fun. No one wants to go round it.
“Ah! A slope,” says Violet Jelly.
And there is - a slope going down into a tunnel. The tunnel goes underneath the field.

“Come on then!” says Violet Jelly. “The food is this way.”
The tunnel leads to a big kitchen which is very clean and has white tiled walls. There is a large oven along one wall and every shape of pot and pan hanging or standing around. Violet Jelly notices that some food has been cooked, but it does not look very interesting or appetising. There are ingredients lying around.
“What are you doing lying around?” Violet Jelly asks them.
“What!” A bag of rice jumps up, rattling a bit, because it is not a full bag.
“Ooops!” says the salt, which is leaning against a wall.
“What a way to leave a kitchen!” exclaims Violet Jelly.
“Well,” says a jar of spice haughtily. “We are so bored with our recipe that we just gave up.”
“Look at us,” rattles the rice. “Do we look happy? Would you want us in your recipe?”
“I most certainly would,” says Violet Jelly. “Get yourselves together and let’s make something of you.”
Violet Jelly puts down her bag, washes her hands and orders, “Clean the work tops. We’re going to cook!”
Everyone joins in. Violet Jelly finds what she needs from her bag and begins to make a meal.

“Do you need 6 of anything?” asks 6.
“That’s called half a dozen,” says Pansy Soup to 6.
“I’ve got two names,” confides 6 to 5 and -2, “6 and half a dozen.”
“Well, we can’t have -2 of anything,” jokes Larry.
-2 looks tearful. Larry realises his mistake. He is sorry that he has upset -2.'
from 'Violet Jelly' by Ann Sharples ('look inside' on amazon.com)
Hope you enjoy this extract.
Have fun!